April 2018

April (2018). S. Hormeño talk at the B-6 Department Seminars, CNB, Madrid.

April (2018). A. Marin-Gonzalez talk at the Mechanobiology Seminars at CNIC, Madrid.

April (2018). We welcome Gijs J. L. Wuite’s group for a short visit to our lab.

April (2018). Dillingham´s and Moreno´s lab meeting in Madrid.

April (2018). F. Moreno-Herrero contributes with 2 invited talks to the 3rd Course of International School of Nanomedicine on Nanofluidics, Nanoimaging and Nanomanipulation, Erice, Italy.

April (2018). F. Moreno-Herrero Plenary talk at Biochemical Engineering National Congress and X Biochemical Engineering International Congress, Mexico.