3rd Emerging Scientist Workshop of the SEBBM
This Workshop is devoted to those young and promising scientists at the stage of consolidating their careers as independent researchers, between their PhD and a permanent position. It aims to provide a platform from which emerging scientists can show new research lines or recent works and projects with the potential to be incorporated to Research Centers and Institutes.
If you are a young scientist with a solid research career, and with interest on developing your own independent research in the future, or you are already leading a young group but haven´t secured a permanent position yet, this workshop gives you the unique chance to show your research to a wide scientific forum (it is estimated that this joint conference may bring together over 800 delegates).
The Workshop will consist of a plenary session with 6 oral presentations of 15+5 mins. and a poster session. Talks will be selected from all participants by an ad-hoc committee composed by the conference organizer, board members of SEBBM and of the Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (CERU) and the Society of Spanish Researchers in the Federal Republic of Germany (CERFA). All participants will present a poster in a dedicated poster session at the SEBBM meeting, facilitating networking and professional contacts.
Applicants are encouraged to register at the SEBBM 2018 meeting and submit their contribution (title, abstract, affiliation…) to the corresponding Emerging Scientist Session. Additionally, applicants must send a short 2-pages CV together with a one-page motivation letter (see detailed instructions below). This information will be used by the committee to select the type of contribution.
Around 30 excellent scientists responded to this call, last year. We hope to surpass that number in this edition to prove the strength of the new generations of young scientist.
Profile of the applicant
Young scientist, at experienced postdoctoral level or young Principal Investigator, without a permanent position, but with a solid research career, strong enough to compete for a permanent position.
Here are some examples: – Postdoctoral Researcher outside Spain.– Young PI without permanent position but already leading a young group outside Spain.– Ramón y Cajal Researcher in Spain, or applying for a Ramón y Cajal Position.– Young Researcher with an ERC Starting Grant leading already independent research.– Young Researcher with postdoctoral contract in Spain but already leading independent research.– other equivalent cases… |
Registering to the 3rd Emerging Scientist Workshop at SEBBM 2018 congress
1. Register to the XLI SEBBM Congress2. Select the option Emerging Scientist Workshop in the folder “My abstract”3. Fill in all the details of your contribution: Title, abstract, type of contribution, and authors, following the format given by the SEBBM 2018 congress.4. Sent a email with subject “Name_Family-Name_workshop18” to the email address: fernando.moreno@cnb.csic.es , attaching your CV (2 pages maximum) in pdf format, name the file “Name_Family-Name_cv”, and a motivation letter (1 page maximum) in pdf format, name the file “n Name_Family-Name_letter”. |
The information provided in bullets 3 and 4 will be used to decide if you match with participation requirements and to determine the type of your contribution.
Remember all participants should present a poster.
For more information: Fernando Moreno-Herrero, fernando.moreno@cnb.csic.es