Supramolecular Assembly of Human Pulmonary Surfactant Protein SP-D
Journal of Molecular Biology (2018). Volume 430, Issue 10, 11 May 2018, Pages 1495-1509. Available online 4 April 2018.
Pulmonary surfactant protein D (SP-D) is a glycoprotein from the collectin family that is a component of the lung surfactant system. It exhibits host defense and immune regulatory functions in addition to contributing to the homeostasis of the surfactant pool within the alveolar airspaces. It is known that the SP-D monomer forms trimers, which further associate into higher-order oligomers. However, the pathway and the interactions involved in the assembly of SP-D oligomers are not clearly understood. In the current study, a recombinant form of full-length human SP-D (rhSP-D) has been qualitatively and quantitatively studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electrophoresis, with the aim to understand the conformational diversity and the determinants defining the oligomerization of the protein. The rhSP-D preparation studied is a mixture of trimers, hexamers, dodecamers and higher-order oligomeric species, with dodecamers accounting for more than 50% of the protein by mass. Similar structures were also found in hSP-D obtained from proteinosis patients, with the largest fuzzy-ball-like oligomers being more abundant in these samples. The proportion of dodecamer is increased under acidic conditions, accompanied by a conformational change into more compact configurations. Two hexamers appear to be the minimal necessary unit for dodecamer formation, with stabilization of the dodecamer occurring via non-covalent, ionic, and hydrophobic interactions between the individual N-terminal domains and the proximal area of the SP-D collagen stems.
Force determination in lateral magnetic tweezers combined with TIRF microscopy
Combining single-molecule techniques with fluorescence microscopy has attracted much interest because it allows the correlation of mechanical measurements with directly visualized DNA : protein interactions. In particular, its combination with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF) is advantageous because of the high signal-to-noise ratio this technique achieves.
Continue ReadingThe structural basis for dynamic DNA binding and bridging interactions which condense the bacterial centromere
The ParB protein forms DNA bridging interactions around parS to condense DNA and earmark the bacterial chromosome for segregation. The molecular mechanism underlying the formation of these ParB networks is unclear. We show here that while the central DNA binding domain is essential for anchoring at parS, this interaction is not required for DNA condensation.
Continue ReadingApril 2018
April 2018 News
Continue ReadingMarch 2018
February 2018
Feb (2018). A. Martin-Gonzalez participates at FotCiencia contest.
Feb (2018). J. Madariaga-Marcos talk at the Mechanobiology Seminars at CNIC, Madrid.
Feb (2018). Dr Gijs J. L. Wuite visits the group and gives a talk at CNB entitled “Frontiers in Single Molecule Manipulation and Imaging of DNA-protein transactions”.
Feb (2018). Several people from the group participates at the events for the February11 celebration of the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” .
Feb (2018). New paper accepted at Nanoscale on lateral magnetic tweezers combined with TIRF microscopy.
Feb (2018). J. Madariaga-Marcos talk and poster at Biophysical Society Meeting, San Francisco.
Feb (2018). F. Moreno-Herrero participation at Biophysical Society Meeting, San Francisco.
News archive. Previous to 2018.
Dec. The group secures Funding from CSIC to set-up new international research collaboration with Kent University (i- Link 2017).
Dec. F. Moreno-Herrero secures the position “Investigador Científico del CSIC”. CONGRATULATIONS!
Dec. The group secures Funding from the state for a new research project (Plan Estatal 2017).
Dec. New paper accepted in eLife on the structural basis for dynamic DNA binding and bridging interactions which condense the bacterial centromere.
Nov. We take a day-off the Lab for team-building activities: Scape Room, Ramen-lunch and Guided visit to the National Archeological Museum in Madrid.
Nov. Prof. Jan Lipfert visits the group and gives a talk at CNB entitled “Multiplexed Magnetic Tweezers: From DNA Mechanics to Retroviral Integration”.
Nov. We celebrate Cesar Lopez Pastrana PhD graduation. CONGRATULATIONS!
Oct. F.Moreno Herrero organiser of the Emerging Scientist Workshop at XL SEBBM Congress, Barcelona.
Oct. J. Madariaga-Marcos poster at XL SEBBM Congress, Barcelona.
July. A. Gil takes part at the organization of the “Technology Transfer in Physics Session” at the XXXVI RSEF Biennial Meeting, Santiago de Compostela.
July. A. Martin-Gonzalez talk at the IV JEDE in Salamanca.
July. F. Moreno-Herrero. Invited talk at EBSA 2017 Congress in Edimburgh.
July. A. Marín-Gonzalez poster at EBSA 2017 Congress in Edimburgh.
July. F. Moreno-Herrero attends the Nucleic Acids Forum 2017 in London.
July. A. Marín-Gonzalez talk at 7th Workshop of Young Researchers in Nanoscience, Madrid, and wins the First Prize Award for his talk.
July. A. Martín-Gonzalez poster at 7th Workshop of Young Researchers in Nanoscience, Madrid
July. A. Marín-Gonzalez talk at the Mechanobiology Seminars at CNIC, Madrid.
July. J. Cabello finishes his Master project and leaves to London to start his PhD project. Congratulations!
June. S. Hormeño poster at Spanish Biophysical Society 16th Congress, Seville.
June. F. Moreno-Herrero and A. Martín-Gonzalez talk at the Spanish Biophysical Society 16th Congress, Seville.
June. J. Madariaga moves for 3 months to R. Seidel lab in Leipzig
May. New paper accepted in PNAS!
May. A. Martín-González takes part at the “Thesis in 3 minutes” contest.
May. Half of the group visit U. Bristol for the yearly project meeting.
May. Prof. Cees Dekker visits the group and gives a talk entitled: “Nanotechnology for single-molecule and single-cell biophysics”.
April. F. Moreno talk at the CNB, Macromolecular Structure Department.
April. F. Moreno invited talk at the CBM: “Single Molecule Biophysics: understanding protein machines one at a time”.
March. C. Aicart one-week trip to Bristol Univ. hosted by our collaborator M. Dillingham.
March. Alejandro Martín-González, wins the 2nd “IMAGIN’ACTION” image contest, of SBE.
Feb. New paper accepted in Sci. Reports on TubZ.
Feb. F. Moreno talk at the International Symposium Siguiendo el camino de Alberto Sols: homenaje en el centenario de su nacimiento, Fundación Ramón Areces, in Madrid
Feb. C. L. Pastrana poster at the Biophysical Society Meeting in New Orleans
Feb. S. Hormeño participates at the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 11 February”
RNE podcast: Link
CNB news: Link
Poster: Link
Jan. C. L. Pastrana and A. Marín-González posters at the conference “1st Biology for Physics Conference: Is there new Physics in Living Matter?” in Barcelona.
Jan. F. Moreno attends the conference “1st Biology for Physics Conference: Is there new Physics in Living Matter?” in Barcelona
Jan. Prof. Carlos Bustamante visits the group and gives a talk entitled “Division of Labor Among the Subunits of a Highly Coordinated Ring ATPase”.
Jan. A. Gil seminar at J. Pérez-Gil group, UCM, in Madrid.
Dec. F. Moreno-Herrero talk and A. Marín-Gónzalez talk+poster at the CNB Scientific Workshop.
Dec. Maite Arranz re-joins the group as Computer Engineer.
Nov. A. Martín-González provides training classes for Biology undergrad students at UAM.
Nov. F. Moreno, C. L. Pastrana and A. Martín-González provide practical classes for Biophysics Master Course and Cell Biology Master Course in collaboration with UAM.
Nov. A. Martín-González and A. Marín-Gónzalez at the CNIC PhDay.
Nov. We start our monthly Journal Club in the group.
Nov. C.L. Pastrana. Poster at the conference Mechanical forces in physiology and disease. Madrid.
Nov. Dr. Clara Aicart joins the group as postoctoral researcher and biolab manager.
Oct. Dr. M. Gonzalez Blanco visits the group and gives a talk entitled “Accurate regulation of Holliday junction resolvases prevents genome instability”.
Oct. J. Cabello joins the group as Master Student.
Oct. F. Moreno secured the position “Investigador Científico del CSIC”.
Sept. A. Martín-Gonzalez talk at the Fuerzas y Túnel Conference in Girona.
Sept. C. L. Pastrana poster at the conference Biology and Biophysics of the Bacterial Chromosome in Paris.
Sept. F. Moreno organizes the 1st Workshop of Emerging Scientists at the Annual Conference of the Spanish Biochemical and Molecular Biology society.
Sept. Dr. Silvia Hormeño joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher.
August. Dr. Guilherme Vilhena joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher.
July. F. Moreno appointed as member of the Editorial Board (Biological Physics) of Scientific Reports.
July. Lab Summer Party. Paella and swimming pool.
July. We welcome Alejandro Cunillera Perez as bachelor rotation student (for two weeks).
July. New paper accepted in NAR on the initiation of the Rolling Circle Replication mechanism.
June. F. Moreno attends the Nucleic Acids Forum 2016 in London.
June. We welcome Marcelina J. Klajner as research visitor for two months.
June. IMDEA Early Stage Researchers Workshop in NanoScience. J. Madariaga talk and A. Martín poster.
June. J. Madariaga and F. Moreno talks at the SBE meeting in Oporto.
June. A. Martín-González talk at CNB Predoctoral Workshop on “Single Molecule Techniques”.
June. A. Gil talk at COSCE 2016: Scientific Entrepreneurship.
June. Mechan-of-Chromo. The ERC CoG 2015 project starts.
May. F. Moreno participates as speaker at Radio Nacional El CNB en “España vuelta y vuelta”.
April. Dillingham´s and Moreno´s lab meeting in Madrid.
March. A. Gil talk at Foro Riojano Innovación: “Research to Industry –Industry to Research”.
Feb. A. Gil attends to European Forum for Science, Technology and Innovation, Málaga.
Feb. New Paper accepted in Nanoscale on High Resolution AFM of dsRNA.
Feb. We welcome G. Fisher in the context of her intership in NextTip for three months.
Jan. F. Moreno awarded with the Miguel Catalan Prize of the Autonomous Community of Madrid 2015.
Jan. F. Moreno secured a 2015 ERC Consolidator Grant.
Jan. C. Carrasco secured a PostDoc contract from the CNB Severo Ochoa Excellence program.
Jan. New Paper accepted in NAR on AddAB and Chi recognition.
Sept. A. Martin-Gozalez secures a FPI PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science.
Nov. I. Horcas leave the lab for a permanet position at the UAM Physics Dept.
Sept. F. Moreno attends the SEBBM conference in Valencia.
July. F. Moreno. Member of PhD Thesis defence comittee of Jörg Schönfelder.
July. C. Pastrana. Poster contribution at the EBSA 2015 meeting, Dresden.
July. F. Moreno. Invited talk at the EBSA 2015 meeting, Dresden.
June. SERVOTEC. The ERC PoC Coordinator Veronica Beneitez visits the Moreno-Herrero Lab. Press Release
June. Lab Summer Party. Barbaque and swiming pool.
June. F. Moreno participates at CSIC event for 2014 awardees.
June. A. Marin secures a PhD fellowship from “La Caixa”. Congratulations!!
June. F. Moreno. Invited talk at the CNIO, Madrid.
June. F. Moreno visits Lumicks at the VU Amsterdam.
June. J. Madariaga and C. Pastrana talk at the SBE meeting in Granada.
June. F. Moreno chair of the DNA-protein interactions symposium at the SBE meeting.
June. B. Gollnick present a poster at the SBE meeting in Granada.
May. A.Gil, A. Gimeno and I. Horcas join the lab to work on the Servotec project.
May. F. Moreno. Poster at EMBO Workshop on SMC proteins.
March. Small article featured as article of the month at the Biofisica Magazine of the SBE.
March. F. Moreno. Member of PhD Thesis defence comittee of Eva Hortelano.
March. F. Moreno. Invited talk at the Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine.
March. F. Moreno. Member of PhD Thesis defence comittee of Joan Camunas.
March. We welcome A. Marín as PhD student.
Feb. F. Moreno secured an ERC Proof of Concept Grant.
Jan. We celebrate B. Gollnick PhD graduation. CONGRATULATIONS!
Jan. We wish ME. Fuentes-Perez the best of luck in her new life as postdoctoral researcher at the Imperial College, London.
Jan. New Paper accepted in NAR on Spo0J-mediated DNA condensation.
Dec. F. Moreno. Interview at the UNED TV. Nanobiotechnology (in Spanish).
Nov. New Paper accepted in Structure on RepA-WH1 filament structure.
Nov. We welcome A. Martin as PhD student.
Nov. We celebrate M.E. Fuentes-Perez PhD graduation. CONGRATULATIONS!
OCT. New Paper accepted in Small on temperature-controlled MT.
OCT. F. Moreno. Talk at the I Meeting on Nanobiomedicine (Madrid).
IX Spanish Fuerzas y Tunel Conference
27-29 AUGUST 2014
San Sebastian, Spain
Organizers: F. Moreno-Herrero and C. Rogero
JUL. C. L. Pastrana. Talk at the 10th Nucleic Acids Forum of the RSC (London).
JUL. We welcome Ricardo Sanchez as an bachelor rotation student (for two weeks).
JUN. F. Moreno. Invited Talk at the Biomedicine Institute at Valencia.
JUN. F. Moreno receives the SBE-40 “Perez-Paya” Prize of the Spanish Biophysical Society.
JUN. F. Moreno. Invited talk at the Spanish Biophysical Society Meeting, Alcalá de Henares.
JUN. M.E. Fuentes, C. Carraco. Talk at the Spanish Biophysical Society Meeting, Alcalá de Henares.
JUN. C. Pastrana, J. Madariaga. Poster at the Spanish Biophysical Society Meeting, Alcalá de Henares.
MAY. New paper accepted in NAR on Rep initiation proteins.
MARCH. F. Moreno. Invited talk at the IVth Euro AFM forum, Göttingen, Germany.
APRIL. F. Moreno. Invited talk at the Bio-Foro (UPV/EHU). Bilbao.
FEB. New paper accepted in the DNA repair journal (cover article).
FEB. B. Gollnick. Poster at the Biophysical Society Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
FEB. F. Moreno. Talk at the Biophysical Society Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
JAN. F. Moreno wins the 2014 SBE-40 prize of the Spanish Biophysical Society.
JAN. We welcome J. Madariaga as PhD student.
DEC. F. Moreno. Talk at CNB Winter workshop in Madrid
DEC. J. Madariaga wins a 3-yr PhD fellowship from The Basque Goverment Ministry of Science.
NOV. F. Moreno. Talk at CNB simposium in Madrid
NOV. Dillingham´s and Moreno´s lab meeting in Madrid
OCT. New paper accepted in Nano Letters on nanojets probed with Optical Tweezers
OCT. F. Moreno. Talk at the V Grisbi conference in Montpellier
JULY. F. Moreno and P.J. de Pablo organized the XX International Summer School Nicolas Cabrera
XX International Summer School Nicolas Cabrera BIOMOLECULES AND SINGLE MOLECULE TECHNIQUES 21-26 JULY 2013 Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain |
JULY. YouTube video on XX Nicolás Cabrera Summer School.
JULY. We welcome L. Sanchez as a summer JAE-Intro student
JUNE. New paper accepted in PNAS on the AddAB scanning mechanism
JUNE. M.E. Fuentes-Perez. Talk at the Spanish Biophysical Society Meeting, Valencia
JUNE. B. Gollnick. Talk at the Spanish Biophysical Society Meeting, Valencia
JUNE. New paper accepted in ACSnano on DNA origami nanopores
MAY. New paper accepted in ACSnano on peptide-DNA interactions
MAY. We welcome V.Casina for a week as a visiting researcher
MARCH. New paper accepted in Lab on a Chip on DNA origami
FEB. New paper accepted in METHODS on volumetric AFM methods
FEB. C. Carrasco. Internship at S. Leuba and S. Khan laboratories, Pittsburg
FEB-MARCH. B. Gollnick. Internship at U. Keyser lab, Cambridge.
FEB. C. Carrasco. Talk at the Biophysical Society Meeting, Philadelphia
JAN. A. Karlowicz intership at the lab for AFM experiments.
DEC. F. Moreno visits M. Dillingham lab.
DEC. M.E. Fuentes visits M. Dillingham lab.
DEC. New paper accepted in JACS on mechanical properties of dsRNA.
NOV.The M-H Lab collaborates with the Dresden Nanosaurs Team in Biomod2012 competition. Learn about their project here.
Congratulations for a second overall position in the Biomod 2012 contest!!! LINK.
SEPT. Sanford Leuba and Saleem Khan visit the lab and give a talk.
SEPT. ME. Fuentes and F. Moreno at Spanish AFM and STM conference, El Escorial.
SEPT. F.Moreno receives the IZASA-Werfen prize of the SEBBM. Photo
SEPT. F. Moreno talk at the IUBMB-FEBS-SEBBM conference, Sevilla.
AUG. F. Moreno talk at the 73 Harden Conference – Machines on Genes II, Oxford.
AUG. Kasia Wegrzyn visits the lab for AFM experiments.
JULY. F.Moreno and C. Carrasco. Poster at GRC on Single Molecule Approaches to Biology, Vermont USA.
JULY. Kasia Wegrzyn visits the lab for AFM experiments.
JULY. C. Carrasco visits Sanford Leuba Lab at Univ. of Pittsburg and give a talk.
JULY. F. Moreno. Poster at the Spanish Biophysical Society Meeting, Barcelona.
JULY. B. Gollnick. Talk at the Spanish Biophysical Society Meeting, Barcelona.
JUNE. C. Carrasco visits Ivan Schaap Lab at Georg August Universitat and give a talk.
JUNE. Annual Summer Lunch Party.
JUNE. Marian Oliva visits the lab for AFM experiments.
MAY. Claire Wyman visits the lab and give a talk.
MAY. Erik Schaeffer visits the lab and give a talk.
MAY. F. Moreno organizes the II Workshop on Nanobioscience CNB-CSIC-IMDEA-Nanociencia in Madrid.
MAY. F. Moreno wins the 2012 IZASA-WERFEN prize of the Spanish Biochemical and Molecular Biology Society.
APRIL. F. Moreno gives an invited talk at the 3rd European Nanomanipulation Workshop, Madrid.
APRIL. James Talylor visits the lab for AFM experiments.
APRIL. ERC Annual Project reunion in Bristol.
MARCH. Silvia Hernandez visit the lab for AFM experiments
MARCH. F. Moreno. Visit Frank Sobbot Lab in Antwerp
FEB. C. Carrasco. Talk at the Biophysical Society Meeting, San Diego
FEB. F. Moreno. Visit M. Dillingham lab in Bristol
FEB. Hergen Brutzer visits the lab and gives a talk
FEB. ME. Fuentes. Poster at Linz Winter Workshop
JAN. We welcome Francesca Zuttion as Master Student
DEC. F. Moreno Lab secure a CSIC I-LINK project (2012-2013)
OCT. We welcome MT. Arranz as Final Project Student.
OCT. F. Moreno. Poster at Current Opinion Conference in Amsterdam.
OCT. F. Moreno. Talk at Prof. C. Dekker and N.H. Dekker Labs (Delft).
OCT. F. Moreno. Invited talk at Prof. F. Ritort lab (Barcelona).
SEP. We welcome C. Pastrana as Master Student.
SEP. F. Moreno Lab secure a MICINN project (2012-2014)
AUG. F. Moreno. Invited talk at Dr. Ralf Seidel lab at Dresden.
AUG. C. Carrasco. Talk at the EBSA Conference.
AUG. B. Gollnick. Best Poster Award at the EBSA Conference.
JUNE. ME. Fuentes. Talk at the Spanish Biophysical Society Conference.
JUNE. B. Gollnick. Best Poster Award at the Spanish Biophysical Soc. Conference.
JUNE. F. Moreno. Invited talk at the Spanish Biophysical Society Conference.
JUNE. ERC Annual Project reunion in Madrid.
JUNE. Molecular Cell paper in press.
MAY. Dr. Ralf Seidel visits the lab and gives a talk.
APRIL. Biophysical Journal papers in press.
MARCH. F. Moreno. Poster at BPS, Baltimore.
FEB. First papers accepted as independent researcher.
DEC. F. Moreno talks at Cavendish Lab.(Cambridge) Host: Dr. Keyser.
DEC. F. Moreno and B.Gollnick visit NIMR. London.
DEC. Dr. G. Lynch visit the lab and give a talk.
JULY. B.Gollnick. Poster at Spanish Biophysical Society Conference.
JUNE. C.Carrasco. Poster at Gordon Conferece.
MAY. ERC Annual Project reunion in Bristol.
MAR. Dr. Nynke Dekker visit the lab and give a talk.
FEB. F. Moreno. Poster at BPS, San Francisco.
FEB. AFM course at Univ. at Milano. Link out.
JAN. F. Moreno talks at the IMM-CSIC, Tres Cantos.
JAN. F. Moreno talks at Biomed Institute at Valencia.
DEC. F. Moreno talks at The Annual Winter Conference at the CNB-CSIC, Madrid.
DEC. We welcome M. E. Fuentes as a Ph.D. Student.
NOV. Conference in Modena. Link out.
NOV. We welcome C. Carrasco as a Postdoctoral Researcher.
SEPT. Spanish Biochemical and Molecular Biology Conference. Oviedo, Spain.
SEPT. F. Moreno appointed as Cientifico Titular CSIC at the CNB, Madrid.
JULY. We welcome M. Meunier as a visiting student from Institut d´optique at Paris.
JULY. ERC Annual Project reunion in Madrid.
JUNE. Electron Microscopy Conference at Segovia, Spain
MAY. F. Moreno posters at a Conference at the CBM-CSIC, Madrid
APRIL. Moreno-Herrero Lab kick-off at the CNB-CSIC, Madrid
DEC. F. Moreno and B. Gollnick visited the Dillingham Lab at Bristol.
OCT. We welcome B. Gollnick as Ph.D. Student.
JAN. F. Moreno: ERC Starting Grant Winner Link out.