January 2019

January (2019). New paper published in eLife on the CtIP structure and DNA binding and bridging properties.

January (2019). Alejandro is back from a 3-month Research Visit at Prof. T. Ando´s group at Nano-Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI) .

January (2019). We welcome R. Corti from Francesco Mantegazza lab for a 6 month intership.

January (2019). New Research Grant awarded to the Moreno-Herrero lab. Autonomous Comunity of Madrid, Sinergy Proyects 2018. NanoBioCancer: Molecular and Structural Nanobiotechnology to study DNA repair processes in Cancer.

January (2019). Clara was working for a week in the laboratory of Professor Mark S. Dillingham at the University of Bristol.

December 2018

December (2018). Our paper on DNA crookedness have been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.

December (2018). We celebrate our annual Christmas dinner.

December (2018). New Research Grant awarded to the Moreno-Herrero lab. Autonomous Comunity Technologic Proyects 2018. Tec4Bio: Novel Technologies to investigate biological nanomachines.

November 2018

November (2018). C. Carrasco visits and gives a talk at the E. Schäffer’s lab in Tübigen University, Germany.

November (2018). We welcome Hannah and Rosie from C. Toseland group for a research visit in the context of a iLINK project from CSIC.

November (2018). Silvia gives a talk at the Mechanobiology Seminars. CNIC, Madrid (15.11.18)

November (2018). Cesar and Fernando gives a practical lab course on Magnetic Tweezers (Master in Condensed Matter Physics and Biophysics, UAM) (19-21 nov)

November (2018). Alberto, Cesar, and Fernando gives a practical lab on Magnetic Tweezers and AFM (Master of Biomolecules and Molecular Dynamics) (26 nov)

November (2018). Publication uploaded to bioRxiv server “ParB dynamics and the critical role of the CTD in DNA condensation unveiled by combined force-fluorescence measurements” by Julene Madariaga-Marcos et al.

November (2018). Adriana Gil moves to CSIC central Headquarters Offices to work at the International Relations Dept.


October 2018

October (2018). We welcome Alex and Rosie from C. Toseland group for a research visit in the context of a iLINK project from CSIC.

September 2018

September (2018). Publication uploaded to BioRxiv server. “Human CtIP forms a tetrameric dumbbell-shaped particle which binds and bridges complex DNA end structures for double-strand break repair” by Oliver J Wilkinson et al.

September (2018). 3rd Emerging Scientist Workshop SEBBM takes place in Santander, organized by Fernando Moreno.

September (2018). Fernando Moreno, Carolina Carrasco and Clara Aicart visit the Toseland group at Canterbury Univ.

September (2018). A. Martín-González leaves for a 3 month research visit at Professor T. Ando group (Nano-Life Science Institue at Kanazawa, Japan).

July 2018

July (2018). F. Moreno-Herrero and C.Lopez-Pasatrana visit Lumicks Headquarters in Amsterdam.

July (2018). We welcome M. Alvarez and B. Lago for a one-month stay in our lab.


June 2018

June (2018). A. Martin-Gonzalez wins the SPM Image Contest at Fuerzas y Tunel Conference, Jaca.

June (2018). A. Martin-Gonzalez talk and A. Marin-Gonzalez poster at Fuerzas y Tunel Conference, Jaca.

June (2018). J. Madariaga-Marcos talk (Best talk award!) and A. Marin-Gonzalez poster (Best poster award!) at SBE Conference, Castellon.

June (2018). J. Madariaga-Marcos talk and A. Martin-Gonzalez talk at 8th Workshop of Young Researchers in Nanoscience.

June (2018). We welcome Tung Le and Adam Jalal for a short visit to our lab.


May 2018

May (2018). Toseland´s and Moreno´s lab meeting in Madrid. First meeting of the i-Link Project funded by CSIC.

May (2018). New paper published in Nucleic Acids Research on TubR–centromere complex.

May (2018). S. Hormeño talk at the B-6 Department Seminars, CNB, Madrid.


3rd Emerging Scientist Workshop of the SEBBM

The Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology organizes the 3rd Emerging Scientist Workshop, to be held in Santander (10-13 September 2018).

This Workshop is devoted to those young and promising scientists at the stage of consolidating their careers as independent researchers, between their PhD and a permanent position. It aims to provide a platform from which emerging scientists can show new research lines or recent works and projects with the potential to be incorporated to Research Centers and Institutes.

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